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About me

Name: Lu Ong
Age: 24
Birthday: 21-03-84
School: American University of Humanities Singapore



Past December 2008
Past January 2009
Past February 2009
Past March 2009
Past April 2009


Melvyn Ho
Matthew Teo
Gideon Hu
Chong Lip
Shi Ting
Petra group
David group


Image hoster
Other thanks

posted on Thursday, April 9, 2009

sorry for the lack of updates.... been uber packed with too many things, hardly have any free time to do anything else.... and when I do have some free time... I would slp or play a little bit of games to destress... been really drained out by the amount of things I have to do this month, I have stacks of reports undone, assignments undone, project work undone, and more are coming my way including 2 assessment papers... really stretched to the max by all my practicum, classes, readings, assignments, tuition.... on top that I don't have enough time to slp.... even interesting things can't spur me to write about them anymore.... please keep me in prayer everyone >.<... I have never been so stretched for donkey years... >.<

the time is right;
{12:08 AM}

SBS problems.... again! and... "The Same"
posted on Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wow 3 days ago while on a bus home, the bus was driving crazily slowly, and the air-con was barely on. It was super crowded as it was peak hour and I was even beginning to sweat. After more than an hour(usually I take about an hour or so), I was still quite far from home, at a certain bus-stop, there was a relatively steep slope, and after allowing the passengers to alight, the bus couldn't move. Each time the driver tried to accelerate, the bus rolled backwards, which was pretty dangerous and after about 5 mins, the driver was shouting over the phone, communicator or whatever to the HQ complaining how his bus isn't working and stuff, and without even refunding our bus ride, he got all the passengers to alight. Well this isn't the first time I encountered a faulty bus on this particular service no. and the buses are usually really old...
Today, on my way home on the bus, I saw an interesting sight. A china woman, not sure of where to alight was trying to find out from the bus driver when the bus driver went like, "don't ask me I don't know I don't know (in chinese)" and the china woman gave in and said, "okok" and stood near the bus driver looking out for her stop. Almost immediately after that, another girl, a Singaporean, went up and ask the bus driver for directions and this time round, the bus driver replied really politely and even gave her directions....
In less than a week, so many ugly incidents with SBS, as our fares are STEADILY increasing, this is the service they provide us. Faulty buses, trains and attitudes... zz
During my birthday, a friend brought me to this nice buffet at a hotel (I don't remember the name). Towards the end of the buffet, I decided to try out the pasta as there is a chef that will cook it on the spot for u. I actually ordered Penne with Alfredo sauce, then came along an indian man behind me, he went like, "I want exactly the same thing as he (thats me) is having... except that I want Speghetti and erm... I want tomato sauce" The chef looked up with a "blank" and confused look, smiled to him and said, "erm... ok"... I couldn't help but walked away laughing about it. I mean... how is that EXACTLY the same thing in any way at all? lol...

the time is right;
{10:27 PM}

posted on Monday, March 23, 2009

Hi all, many thanks to all who remembered my birthday and all the well wishes I've received =D. It always feels good to be remembered by people =D
Anyways I haven't been updating because I spent the entire last week attending a seminar called Principles of Biblical Counseling which is 8.30am-4.30pm daily then there is also lectures in the evenings, and it totally drained me out. Well I had a somewhat horrible birthday this year in fact, first of all I was totally drained, tired out etc. from the week of seminar then I was rushing my assignment till super late on Friday night cause on my birthday itself, I have lecture from 10am-5.30pm. First thing in the morning that happened that went wrong was the MRT. As I seemed to be a little behind time, I rushed all the way to the MRT station, saw the train approaching ran down the steps and squeezed my way into the train. The train stood still for a long while, and more and more people kept squeezing in even though it was already filled with people. I was horrible cause I was carrying my laptop, textbook etc, and it was really warm cause the train ain't moving and it's so squeezy people were literally "stuck" to each other.
A few minutes later, the MRT began to repeatedly broadcast and apologise that there will be a delay in the train taking off. It was quite a horrible feeling as people were beginning to feel hot and sweaty and it was about 30-40mins later, the MRT made an announcement that the train is faulty and that all passengers will need to alight. By then, my lecture had already begun. It was after another 20-30mins that the faulty train finally moved off and the next train came.
Just when I thought it's over, the train I got on stopped for like 10 minutes every station. It was only after 2-3stations that the SMRT actually announced to the passengers that there will be delay as they are trying to tow the faulty train out of service. Everyone on the train were complaining either to each other or on the phone, and everyone was so pissed off.
Well to top that bad morning off, I missed out over an hour of lecture, I was frantically trying to catch up with what is being taught and there was a ton of new concept that I need to pick up that day. By the end of the lecture, I was super tired already. But things kinda got better when I met up with my friend for a movie and dinner. And though my day didn't start off too well, thank God it ended off well....

the time is right;
{9:16 PM}

I have nothing better to do... I admit
posted on Friday, March 13, 2009

Yesterday was a hectic day, super tiring and draining as well. I had go do practicum at Outram in the morning, then go Kovan in the afternoon and then Bishan in the evening for project meeting. As I was walking towards the bus-stop at Kovan to take bus to Bishan, I happened to see a man in a weird position facing the rubbish chute (You know, those old kind of rubbish chute at the old flats where every unit will have their own chute instead of using a common one in the corridor). As I take a clearer look, both his hands were down at his ... area.... It was then I realised he was actually taking a leak, in public. I was really amused, stood there and thought to myself for a while... thinking if I should pull out my handphone and take a shot of it. I decided not to and carried on walking, but after a few steps further, I couldn't resist my urge to take a shot of it and so I pulled out my handphone, zoomed in as much as possible and took 2 shots of that man pee-ing at the rubbish chute =X Passerbys were all looking at me weirdly as I was seemingly aiming my camera at nowhere, but as they looked at the direction I was shooting, they realised what was going on and turned their attention to him LOL!! =X Oh wells, as I stated in the title, I really had nothing better to do at that time... =D

the time is right;
{1:30 PM}

Pirated stuff?
posted on Saturday, March 7, 2009

I saw a girl who wore a yellow top that looked kinda expensive as I was on the train a few days ago. The design was like a sentence written repeatedly in a spiral manner and the words get smaller as it reaches the center of the circle. Initially, I did not pay much attention to that girl la, until she began talking on the phone and I realised she is a PRC. Well it's not that I have anything against them, but I tend to associate PRC with pirated stuff, cheap goods etc. neither do I disagree with cheap stuff (benefits us consumers right? =D) but anyways then the words on her top actually caught my attention. The words didn't make sense to be at first, and after reading it carefully again, I realised that the problem didn't lie with me, it was the "production" of the product. I nearly burst out laughing at the words when I read it and I seriously can't forget about it though it's almost a week ago hahaha... I went and told some of my friends and we were discussing if this was a result of piracy, to avoid copyright violation or something, but anyhows we ended up with a good laugh over it.... anyways, here are the words on the top, it says, "Girl, You look sex..."

the time is right;
{11:47 PM}

The presistent fly and.... some sore uncles... LOL
posted on Friday, February 27, 2009

2 days ago, as I was taking the MRT to City Hall, there was a ang moh guy who stood in front of me with his back facing me. I couldn't help but notice a fly that has rested on his right shoulder, but I didn't think much of it as I thought the fly will naturally fly away once he makes a big or sudden movement. But it was quite the opposite of what I thought. The guy happened to alight at City Hall with me, and as he walked really quickly ahead of me, I saw that the fly was still on his shoulder even as he climbs up the escalator. And so I took the City Link and was headed to Suntec, and as I was approaching the end of the City Link, I saw that same guy walking towards me. I guess he was trying to find his way around and probably walked past where he would like to stop, but as he walked past me on my right, I saw that the fly was still there! It was really quite funny to me how this fly is so persistent on sticking to him, it's almost as if the fly was hitching a free ride to its destination =X haha and linking to this...

Yesterday, I went to Kallang Leisure Park with a friend, and since there was an arcade, I decided to go in for a game of Street Fighter 4. I did not think much of it as I went in and I just played against whoever that was playing since there was only 1 machine. Little did I expect that after losing my first game, I managed 52 consecutive wins on my second game(the midium kick was slightly spoilt, it doesnt come out when I press it some times). It was my personal record for arcade game wins LOL! =D
The previous highest record I got was 53 wins for Guilty Gear XX at bugis but I took turns with 2 of my shifus who taught me how to play that game. This one, was all by myself. At about 40wins my friend was going on about how I look really tried and can't take it anymore and by the 53rd game, I was totally drained and lost the game to one of the uncles(well I really couldn't think anymore). It was a pity cause I only managed to take a picture at 40 wins and didn't have a chance to take it at 52, but I managed to leave my name Cal on the machine at the 1st place for wins(at least something I guess =X).

What was really interesting was that the group of uncles(how I know their uncles? they were talking really loud behind me about what time they need to pick up their kids from "lesson") that played against me were really sore. They were purposely commenting loudly on how I will lose to their pro friend if he was around, and they went to the extent that at 1 point of time they told me to "wait" because their "pro" friend want to challenge me and he is "coming down now". Well I just smiled and said "sure". But he was nothing close to what I thought (I thought he really is a pro from their conversation). I managed to win their "expert" friend for 6 games in a row, and after that, he stood up really furious and shouted really loud, "challenge him to 100 games la, bet $50 bucks or $100 bucks 1 game also nevermind". LOL here is the list of my thoughts/reaction upon hearing this statement:
1. I looked at my close to 50 win (at that point in time) and thought to myself, "I feel like just turning around now and ask that loudmouth to pay me $5000 first and don't talk so much"
2. Then I thought to myself again, "Well I seriously don't mind a job like that, maybe this is my answered prayer from God" (well of course I ain't serious, just making fun of my current distress)
3. With that kind of behaviour from uncles around me and these thoughts, I almost burst out laughing.... thankfully I didn't...
Anyways they became really irritating (well to me they were) after that. They surrounded the machine, began commenting really loudly about the game and on top of that, started to tell their friend really loudly, "nono wait for him to do this, he is just aiming for that, wait for this, faster kick him now". I was like gosh, those were the things people do in their teenage years never would I expect to see uncles acting out like that after losing a game hahaha. Talk about PERSISTENT FLIES =x hahahahaha

Oh for the record, I am not pro or really good with this game, the main reason I managed so many wins was because it's just the same few uncles whom I just happen to be able to win(with some ease =X) who had too much money to spend and decided to donate to the arcade. If there were anyone who could play averagely well, I would have lost easily =X

the time is right;
{11:01 PM}

For Discussion Purpose
posted on Monday, February 23, 2009

Hey all, just thought of throwing up some things for discussion so, if you would, you can post your comments/thoughts on the tagboard =D Not really up for correct "correct" answers but more of what people think and understand of these words.

Point 1 - Is there a difference between these words:
1. Knowledge vs Wisdom
2. Grace vs Mercy
If there is a difference, perhaps you can state what each word means and what is their difference/s in meaning/usage/application of these words.

Alright, I actually had another point but I thought I'd leave part 2 for later or else the tags will be super long =D... Yup yup once again I want to emphasize that this is purely for discussion sake, so DO REPLY and tag me to tell me what you think, thanks! =D

the time is right;
{1:35 PM}
